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Malaysia's Rising HIV Infection Rates: Is There a Growing Demand for HIV Testing Kits?

[ Back to News Page ] Dated: 02-Mar-2025

In the global fight against HIV, Malaysia, like many other countries, faces significant challenges and opportunities in 2024. As highlighted in the UNAIDS Global AIDS Update 2022, Malaysia is one of 38 countries worldwide that have seen an increase in HIV infections.

Sex education remains a taboo in Malaysian schools despite repeated calls from the public to expand it beyond basic biology. University students accounted for more than three-quarters of people living with HIV in 2023. However, a Health Ministry report found that only 10% of Malaysians aged 15 to 24 accurately understand the risks of HIV transmission.

HIV infection rates are rising among university students in Malaysia, with health analysts urging increased HIV awareness campaigns targeting young people, where prevention measures are more accessible.

Malaysia's Higher Education Minister, Zambriya Abdul Kadir, stated last Wednesday that about 244 students aged 18 to 25 were infected last year, a 31% increase from 2022. Infections in this age group accounted for approximately 7% of all new HIV cases last year.

2022 HIV/AIDS Distribution by Age Group in Malaysia


A report submitted by Malaysia to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS in 2024 estimated that there were 86,000 people living with HIV in Southeast Asian countries in 2023, 80% of whom were aware of their status. However, due to issues of concealment and stigma, some individuals remain undetected, which significantly increases the potential risk of HIV transmission and complicates the management of HIV-infected individuals.

Under these circumstances, the demand for HIV testing kits in Malaysia may increase sharply.


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