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HIV Rashes and Symptoms

[ Back to News Page ] Dated: 19-Aug-2024

HIV has its effect all over the body including the human skin which is the most obvious HIV symptom. There, it takes the form of red pigmentation or continual growth of pimples. Patches similar to tropical fungal skin infections or eczema can also grow because of HIV infection. It has been studied that 90% of the people who have contracted HIV, haveexperienced some type of skin infections. Still the best way to determine if a person is infected by HIV virus or not is by carry out a HIV Test using a HIV Kit / HIV Test Kit.

However, doctors say, that HIV rashes are not a subject of concern because they are not contagious. These rashes do not rupture like chicken pox. These rashes cannot be apparently seen, as they usually grow in the shoulder and chest area. More over, proper medication can easily treat HIV rashes. Most of the time, other types of pre existing rashes, accompany HIV rashes.


HIV rashes occur due to two reasons

However, not every unusual rash means the presence of HIV. Rashes can also occur in HIV positive people due to drug eruption, Kaposi Sarcoma lesion and Herpes infection. Nevertheless, it is alwayswise to consult the dermatologist. Though people belonging to the high-risk groups like, homosexuals, IDUs, people with multiple sex partners should always visit a doctor whenever they encounter any symptoms of unusual rash on any part of their skin.


The salient features of HIV rash are:


When does HIV rash grow?

Rashes are the symptoms of the primary stages of the HIV infection. The infection grow during the period of sero-conversion, when the antibodies may develop which is about two or three weeks after the contraction of HIV. If HIV test is done during the existence of HIV rashes, then there is more possibility for the diagnostic test to be more precise. The tinges of the virus and presence of HIV antibodies can be easily located in this stage. Therefore, this is the best time for the highly risked groups to go for the test, in order to get a more accurate result.


Relief from HIV rashes